35006 Locomotive Company Ltd.


Owner and operator of

ex Southern Railway Merchant Navy No.35006 Peninsular & Oriental S. N. Co.





The 35006 Locomotive Society has recently launched a new fund raising initiative to support the overhaul of the loco: "Sponsor A Tube"

If you would like to support this initiative please complete the form on our "Join Us" page on our website, https://www.35006.co.uk/Join-Us/ to receive more information.


04. 03. 2025


Supporters will be pleased to know that last Friday the Loco passed the hot exam carried out by the Boiler Inspector. There were no issues found with the boiler and it got a clean bill of health.


Thanks to the volunteers who put themselves out and put in extra hours to get the work completed on time.


The loco starts back in service next Saturday 8th March