35006 Locomotive Company Ltd.


Owner and operator of

ex Southern Railway Merchant Navy No.35006 Peninsular & Oriental S. N. Co.






The Loco completed its rostered turns successfully at the beginning of October and  it is now rostered from the 22nd October through to the end of October including the Autumn Gala next Saturday and Sunday.


Unfortunately, because of health issues, the 35006 Loco Society will not be having their Stand at the Gala. However you can still support the Loco and buy branded clothing by contacting them through the contact form on our website or emailing them on society@35006.co.uk.





The loco hasn't been rostered since the beginning of August, (it has been the reserve loco most of the time).


It is now rostered for some dates in October as follows:

1st to 3rd, 5th, 8th to 10th, 12th, 26th & 27th (Mixed Traffic Gala), 29th to 31st.


As usual these dates are subject to change so if you are travelling specifically to see 35006 please check with the GWSR before leaving.





The Loco has been running successfully since late April and is rostered from today until Saturday 18th May.


It will then be in action at the GWSR Gala from Saturday 25th May until Monday 27th May, after which it will be cooled down and made ready for its trip to Swanage for their Gala.


The 35006 Locomotive Preservation Society will be having their stall at the GWSR Gala in the Loco Shed. So we hope to see as many of you as possible to have a chat and hopefully buy some of our merchandise.





There have been some more changes to the rostering on the GWSR and the loco may be doing some more turns in the next week. Please check with the GWSR if you want to travel to see it.





It has been announced that the loco will be visiting the Swanage Railway in June for their "Strictly Bulleid Festival" from the 7th to 9th June. It will also be running there on their normal services from the 10th to the 14th June.





Sorry to inform you, there has been another change in the roster, the loco will not be running on Sunday 31st March.





We mentioned yesterday that the roster could change and we have to advise you that it has, 35006 is now not rostered for the 20th & 21st April.





The loco is rostered in April on the following dates:

2nd, 3rd, 6th, 7th, 20th, 21st, 23rd, 24th, 27th, 28th and the 30th.


As always this is subject to changes so please check with the GWSR before traveling if you are visiting specifically to see 35006.





The latest roster is now on the GWSR website and besides the Race Trains the loco is rostered for the 16th, 17th and 29th, 30th & 31st March.





The Loco has been undergoing winter maintenance and has passed its cold boiler exam. It is due shortly to have its hot exam.


Hopefully it will pass and be ready for the Race Trains in March.




It is expected that its next duties, when the railway reopens, will be on the Race Trains in March.